Cofounder of Estimation Française
Cofounder, Since 2021, Toulon, France
Estimation Française is an online real estate valuation tool. We are in direct contact with property owners and receive every day many estimation requests.
Cofounder, Since 2021, Toulon, France
Estimation Française is an online real estate valuation tool. We are in direct contact with property owners and receive every day many estimation requests.
CEO, Since 2020, Toulon, France
Launch and own Mobile apps with +10 000 000 worldwide downloads, you can check our portfolio at https://berthx.io.
Software Engineer, 2018-2020, Prague, Czech Republic
I have created and led a new feature in Skype that raised the number of weekly calls by 4%, caught leadership interests and got Skype integrated with multiple Microsoft and Google products. I have improved Skype calling experience by implementing new features and fixing bugs in ReactNative and Electron (mobile, web, desktop). On the side, I have implemented of a location-sharing feature and a video-messaging feature for Teams in Swift.
Software Engineer, 2014-2018, Lyon, France
I am an IT Engineer half studying in my university CPE Lyon, half working for my companie Sopra Steria. I will graduate in september 2017. Until I am alternating one week studying theoretical concepts and one week applying that stuff in my amazing companie.
Software Engineering Intern, Summer 2016, Long Beach, California
This summer I had the luck to intern in the wonderful startup Culinarian. I developed the web application from designes using ReactJS and Redux which were new for me. I have also be embeded in the «startup» culture which was totaly crazy and awesome. I continue to be inspired by this company today.
IT entrepreneur, 2015, Lyon, France
Because I am ambitious and motivated I work all this year as an IT Entrepreneur in parallel of my studies. I learned how to prospect client, how to manage your time. It was a good time to me.
Software Engineering Intern, Summer 2014, Megeve, France
This summer was my first professional experience in IT. I intern in Casino Megeve and developed a hybrid mobile application from scratch in autonomious. Before that project I had no experiences in mobile application. I dued learn by myself following tutorials on the web. It was a super experience.
Student job, 2013/2014 , Annecy, France
During my youth studies I wished gain money by myself. I had the opportunity to discover the factory world as a worker in the companie NTN SNR. It was not easy every day but really former to me. I think it is an experience that everybody must do.
Humanitary raid, Winter 2014, Morocco
On morning a friend called me and ask me if I was ready do growed our own humanitary association. And go two weeks to Morocco with 4L Trophy. I answered yes! It was an amazing experience. I met poor life and could help them. Watch these young children happy when we where here make my heart vibrated.
Student project, 2013/2014 , Annecy, France
During my two years technical degree in IT I had the opportunity to work for the research laboratory SYMME in a team of five. Me and my teammates searched how to and developed a 3D modeling image software processed by graphics card.
National rower, Summer 2012, France
So proud of me, during my youth I did rowing during more than 8 years and at the beginning I never wan any championships. However I was always training my self to win them. Finally, I was in the French Rowing team in 2012. I love sport because you can really see that when you give, you will get back. Lose is not important even you learn why and you use that to become stronger than never. To hear your national anthem before the race is just so magic.
Born, Since 8 of July 1994, Annecy, France
My name is Charly Berthet. I am a French guy born is the beautiful city Annecy. I always loved sport and music. Here you can enjoy either sun and snow. That why I stayed for HishSchool and Tow years technical degree. You have to come there. You will love it !
If you need more, here my Curriculum Vitae.
I worked for 5 companies, in 3 different countries and in a lot of projects. Here is a list of some projects I worked on. Check it!
v these projects are done v
Development of a mobile application which able to manage your coffee maker. We connected our app to the coffee maker through bluetooth low energy. It was in an professional environment and I was charged to develop the android application. You can download the android app here and the ios app here.
I developed a nodejs api allow you to fetch a linkedin profile like you were logged. You just have to give the username and the api will return a json as response. Check the github project, there is a get started.
I am curious about hybrid mobile development and I heared about a new framework developed by facebook. It was React Native, I knew Apache Cordova and wished to compare cordova with another one. Also during an internship I learned ReactJs by myself so I was able to learned quickly this framework based on ReactJs. Thats how this project borned. Check ios app here (I know, the logo is ugly).
I like to develop during my free time. Develop for myself is cool because I learn a lot but why not earn some money in the same time? So what I worked as an entrepreneur for lookalodge, I was charged to fix some issues during my freetime.
I fell in love with Angular 2 and Ionic 2 and was curious about how much a mobile game can earn money just with adds. So I created a game using phaser.js and push it on the app store. You can check it out here.
v i am working on v
Using Angular 2 and Ionic 2 I am working on a platform which able users to request anything. I will release the first version soon. Check the facebook page if you are curious.
I technicaly help a californian start up for the front side development in ReactJS. The platform will be able to stream in live cooking sessions. Check the website if you are curious.
I played drums during ten years. I learned piano by my self. And actually I am learning to create music on FL Studio.
Just check my soundcloud.I rowed during 6 years. I was in the French notional team one year. I did judo during 5 years and now I am enjoying the Fitness world.